Waiting for pickup from a local museum in San Diego, I found a stack of 24" x 24" x 24" acrylic vitrines - these are made from Optix brand acrylic sheet from Plaskolite.

Over in the CNC area they are cutting out some interesting shapes for a new customer. These parts will be "line-bent" into a new shape - a lot like oragami - that will have 3-D structure. Can't tell what it is. Heck - I don't know what it is anyway. (Have to check the work order tomorrow.....)

Over in the plexiglass thermo-forming department, Jason is working on a prototype for a couple of pedestals and windows. The soft felt-like material allows him to handle the plexiglass while it is still hot (275F) without transferring any mark-off to the sheet surface.
So this base is 3" thick clear CAST Plexiglass sheet about 18" x 24". It will become a base for some art object - each object has a different shape at the base and will require tailoring of t
he recessed holes to make them fit. We haven't polished out the holes completely as this is a work in progress.

Check out this photo. You are looking THROUGH the center of the plexi. That's a nickel on the other side, and the bottom of this base acts like a mirror - you are seeing a reflection of the machine and ceiling!
That's crazy.

Hope you enjoyed these pix.
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